Happy True New Year Aénshent Fam!

Doesn’t it just make more sense to mark the new year by what nature’s doing? 
So…not only does this past week mark the beginning of the true New Year, and longer (warmer🤞🏽) days to come, but also my first ever fungi event! 

I feel super blessed to have worked closely with Daren Le Baron on this, and the opportunity in presenting William in his first U.K gig still feels quite surreal. I express gratitude for the role of technology in making this event possible. It was during an IG Live session with William in October last year that I found inspiration to want to bring him to the U.K.

A. During the live, people from all around the world were requesting him to their country, so I too asked him to come to London, and he said - make it happen! B. Seeing that he was going to be in Barcelona in the new year - it just seemed like a geographic no brainer and a logistic possibility. As a newbie in the field - I was determined (and a little bit delusional) to somehow make this happen. In perfect alignment, Darren connected with me - and Mycology Odyssey was curated.

William was joined by his beautiful partner Lydia who he proudly shared was the reason to which he began to unlock his potential, also their *adorable* free spirited little girl accompanied them, bringing smiles to all in attendance.  What a life.  To have your own family to travel with you and support you in making your visions come to fruition, enlightening and inspiring people along the way. 

L—R; Lydia, William Padilla-Brown & I, Tamzin - Their daughter with lovely attendee, Sadie.

We had an amazing turn out, and over the two evenings, William shared a multifaceted, outside of the box approach giving thorough context and background to both the topics of Truffles & Cordyceps. Most of which nobody else talks about in that way, which is exactly why he’s THAT guy. William seamlessly connected the influence of fungi to the way in which it myceliates into animal and human thought processes, thus influencing behaviours - and ultimately the world around us. He also proposed it can work the other way too. William skillfully integrates high-level (self studied) science, creating his own 'low-level' cultivation techniques which are accessible to all.

A highlight for myself was when the room burst into laugher as he stated very seriously “I left school because it was f*cking with my education”. Like damn…no lies told.

I think one of the simplist, but necessary to know facts I learned is that mites are considered the STI’s of fungus.  Additionally, I discovered the intriguing evolutionary journey of truffles, originating from aboveground ancestors and gradually transforming into the coveted solid round tubers we cherish. The show stopper was hearing that essentially, cordyceps appreciate foreplay in the form of musical vibrations, and seeing how they eject/ejaculate long spores in a slow to rapid release - all very phallic coded.

William Padilla-Brown - Photo credit: @Freethoughtism

We appreciate each and every wonderful sponsor who made the Aénshent goodie bags extra special - a big thank you to; Mycopunks, Orangutan Trading Co, Phyto Nectars, Kings Mushroom Jerky, and of course Darren.

L—R; Darren Le Baron, Orangutan Trading Co, William Padilla-Brown and Chris from Mycopunks

The lovely thing about the mycology scene in the uk, is that the community of movers and shakers are so supportive in connecting the right people to each other - ironically just like mycelium -  expanding the fungal colony and maximising nutrient uptake. Also a special thanks to: Max from All Things Fungi, Mike from London Fungus Network, Maymana, Salima Chebbah, and everybody else for making sure the people who needed to know about the event were in the know.

We trust that those who attended - no matter how novice or advanced, left feeling inoculated with knowledge, ideas, and techniques, to keep spreading the spores.

Just a gentle closing note:

Remember that you have the power to manifest your dreams. Keep the vision in your mind’s eye and walk the path of the timeline that aligns with your aspirations, the rest will fall into place if it’s supposed to be

L—R; Darren Le Baron, Myself - Tamzin and William Padilla-Brown

Amidst the mycelial web of possibilities, I feel like a mushroom just breaking through the soil. The thrill of growth and expansion ahead fills me with excitement.

Mush love, Tamzin x


Happy International Women’s Day!